Letter from Stephen of Lexington to the Abbot and Community of Knockmoy (Letter 43)

To the Abbot and Community of Knockmoy, greetings.


With firm and unanimous advice of men of authority and of the greatest experience, both religious and secular, etc., as in the letter concerning Boyle in the preceding folio down to: not vessels of dischord and dissension. In respect of the lands, do not completely alienate the whole of them but for the promotion of your house etc. in order.


(Note in text – the ‘preceding folio’ refers to letter 38)


Stephen of Lexington, Letters from Ireland 1228 – 1229, translated and with an introduction by Barry W. O’Dwyer (Cistercian Publications Inc., Kalamazoo, Michigan) pg. 93
These extracts are reproduced with the kind permission of Cistercian Publications

Monastic sites featured in this letter: